UPSC topper Aditya Srivastava’s marksheet revealed: Debate erupts over evaluation

Aditya Srivastava - MyCivilExam

UPSC 2023 topper Aditya Srivastava’s marksheet sparked discussion online. Scoring well across General Studies and with a perfect personality test score, his expertise in Electrical Engineering (308 marks) drew praise. Debate arose regarding potential inconsistencies in marking, with some questioning the role of luck in the UPSC process. The article explores his scores, strategy, and the ongoing need for transparency in UPSC evaluation.

NEW DELHI: The coveted UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2023 results have settled, and the internet is abuzz with the release of topper Aditya Srivastava’s marksheet. As aspiring civil servants gear up for the upcoming Prelims 2024, Srivastava’s scores have become a hot topic, dissected and analyzed by countless hopefuls. This article delves deeper into the details of his marksheet, exploring not only his subject-wise performance and strategic choices but also the mixed reactions it has sparked online.

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